Friday, June 29, 2007

Three cheers for Mika Brzezinski!

1. Newscaster's on-air Paris protest

US newsreader Mika Brzezinski has attempted to burn her script live on television in protest at being made to lead her bulletin on Paris Hilton.

What do you think of Mika Brzezinski's protest? Do you agree that Iraq should have been the lead story over Paris Hilton? You sent us your views.

I absolutely agree that Paris Hilton/Britney Spears/Lindsey Lohan/Madonna shobiz gossip should not be on the news at all. I admire Miss Brzezinski for having the guts to make a stand about this. I hope she isn't fired.
Glenn Lennox, Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Paris Hilton's story should be not the lead story but the forgotten story of the day.
Mark Chadbourne, Litchfield, Maine

Good for you, Mika! I work in news too, and I am sick and tired of seeing someone who essentially does nothing grabbing headlines when there's a plethora of important events occurring constantly around the world that would be extremely edifying to viewers were they actually to see them instead of pulpy twaddle about an heiress who got sent to jail. boo-freakin'- hoo. I say burn it!
Kristoffer Newsom, Sacramento, CA, USA

Good on her! I'm fed up with celebrity non-stories in the papers, when all I want to do is read the news. News editors - take note!
Mac Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland

A woman with integrity and sense! I've never heard of her but I love her!
Ben Wilson, Nottingham

I totally agree with Mika Brzezinski, there is no reason for the public to be hearing of stories of Paris Hilton coming out of jail when there are people in Iraq serving for their country. Good on you Mrs Brzezinski!
Lola, London

It is about time someone in the TV news media showed some sense. You could watch the news all day in the states and never know there was a war on at all.
Ms. Smith, Cambridge, MA USA

It's about time someone in a profile position stand up to the studio uppers. She is what America is really about. Taking a stance. Believing in something and taking the moral high ground.
Rohan, Sunrise Florida

I think she set a grand example for all 'real' journalists everywhere. Enough of Paris Hilton.
Holstein, New Haven, CT

Three cheers for Mika! It's long overdue for media personnel to stand up and make a stand over what the real important issues are today and not be distracted by fluff. Paris Hilton is a creation of the media-hype; it's time for the media to cut her loose and focus on the real issues.
Kathi Dickie, Fort Nelson, Canada

Am so proud of Mika's actions! We are sick to death of all the garbage and non-news on major stations in the US. There's nothing about Iraq, Darfur, global warming, questioning the illegalities of this Republican administration. We watch Daily Show, MSNBC Countdown or Bill Maher for that news!
Natalie Schlabaugh, Colorado Springs, CO USA

You go girl! It is absolutely sickening how US news producers try to push non-news instead of actual news. This way Americans stay ignorant of the real world and are more easily manipulated by the Bush crime family.
AJ, San Francisco, CA

If only we had more newsreaders and journalists like Mika Brzezinski. Shame on MSNBC for wanting to lead with Hilton and shame on her colleagues for ribbing her over it.

Finally! Somebody is taking a stand, stop this madness. We do not care, best thing we can do is ignore Paris and her antics. There are more important issues we should be focusing on. Good for you Mika!!
simi, Dublin,CA

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