Saturday, June 14, 2008

Notebook doodles II

When I first came to college I was an art student dipping his fingers in philosophy and a few other classes.

I had a tendency to draw in my notes sometimes (which is still there), and I thought I'd post some of these doodles—maybe as emblems to show my "education" or at least some of my time spent in the classroom—both learning and not.

So I rummaged through my old notebooks, and here they are. (Not all of them, but a few of the good ones.) Enjoy.

HA 555: Art History Since 1945.

"[It's like an argument they have where they're] angrily shaking martini glasses at each other."

ANTH 160: The Varieties of Human Experience.

PHIL 292: The History of Modern Philosophy. Damn I was bored, by the looks of it...

SOC 104: Intro. to Sociology

PHIL 562: Kierkegaard. My only drawing in all my notes (and these aren't even lecture notes):

The full quote is:
With the aid of conclusion, one automatically and mendaciously takes credit for everything (I have heard people, so obtuse that they have nothing between the ears, say that one cannot stop with Socratic ignorance) and like all windbags finally ends up with having done even the impossible. Inwardness has become a matter of knowledge, to exist a waste of time. That is why the most mediocre person who concocts a book these days talks so one would believe he had experienced everything, and simply by paying attention to his intermediate clauses one sees that he is a rogue.

ENGL 312: British Writers to 1800.

ENGL 332: Shakespeare.

HSES 260: Personal and Community Health. My only full page of "notes":

PHIL 672: Philosophy of Law.

ENGL 580: The Rhetoric of Everyday Life.

The button reads: "I am a hardcore Marxist."

GEOG 104: Physical Geography.

The poem from the above reads:
Boredom is
a porous drum,
whose beat is deaf
and also dumb.

i. Notebook doodles I

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